
Notification via the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP)

MDSS will submit your cosmetic product notification via the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP) once the Product Information File (PIF), including the Safety Assessment, is complete. The CPNP notification process typically takes one to two business days. Following this, the product can be marketed in all European Union member states.

At the European level, no further approvals from authorities are required for cosmetic products.

Access to all information entered in the CPNP is restricted to relevant authorities of the EU and its member states, as well as European Poison Control Centers.

Responsible persons only have access to their own entries and product information.

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Safety Assessment

What is a Safety Assessment?

A Safety Assessment is a written evaluation that documents the safety of a cosmetic product. Required under Article 10 of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009, it must be completed for every cosmetic product before it is notified in the CPNP and placed on the European market. As a key component of the Product Information File (PIF), the safety assessment ensures the product’s health safety based on documented evidence.


Who can conduct the Safety Assessment?

The safety assessment must be carried out by qualified professionals with an accredited degree in chemistry, toxicology, or a related field. An external expert performs the safety evaluation based on the provided documentation, considering factors such as raw materials, packaging, and toxicological, dermatological, and microbiological aspects. If further testing is required, partner companies and laboratories can assist in the process.

Alongside the documentation, the safety assessment constitutes the “Safety Report for Cosmetic Products” as outlined in Annex I of the EU Cosmetics Regulation.

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